Thursday, June 4, 2009

New Toy

We did it - a new toy and lots to learn! I'm a little overwhelmed currently with grasping all of the settings - aperture, ISO, etc. in order to capture those timeless moments. I know alot can be done in post editing, but I want to learn as much as possible to not put as much pressure on editing later.

We tried out the new camera tonight at Wyatt's soccer game. I'm happy with how they turned out considering we were just pointing and shooting - nothing fancy!

A happy boy after a great run down the field that ended with a goal! The evening light was perfect.

Amelia got used to having the camera in her face during the game - she's not shy!

So, with so much to learn and what seems like so little time - I'd love to hear of any suggestions on forums, post editing tips or great actions, classes, or anything else you can think of that a newbie like me might need to know!

Thanks and wish me luck!

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